4. User management and usage

Because Musashi is multi-user compatible, you need to define users to use Musashi.
You can add and delete users and set usage in the management mode.
The management mode consists of the following three sections. When you start Musashi at first time, Musashi automatically enters the management mode with the dialog to operate. Otherwise to enter the management mode, To move the section in the management mode, click Next button and Prev button.

4-1. Setting a management password

What you do at first in the management mode is setting a management password.
When entering the management mode, you need to input the management password. This means that only the persons who know the management password can add/delete users and set usage.

[Input of a management password]
Input password in the text field. To prevent mistyping of a password, please input the same passwords into both text fields.
Keeping those text field empty means that you have no password. And Musashi never ask a password to enter the management mode.

4-2. Defining and deleting users

The second section of the management mode is user management. You can add and delete users, set user password and set user home directory in this section.

[Adding users]
To add a user, click New... button, then input a user name and a password. If you want to prevent that Musashi asks a password at every loggin in, Keep the password field empty.

[Renaming a user]
To rename a user, select a user to rename in the list and click Rename... button, then change a user name.

[Changing a user's password]
To change a user's password, select a user to change a password in the list and click Change password... button, then change a password. If you want to prevent that Musashi asks a password at every loggin in, Keep the password field empty.

[Deleting users]
To delete users, select users to delete in the list and click Delete... button.

[Setting a user home directory]
A user home directory is a place to store user configuration files. To change a user home directory, check Set user home directory check box, then select directory from standard folder dialog. If you uncheck this check box, Musashi saves user configuration file in the default directory (in the folder, Musashi Preferences Folder in Preferences Musashi does not move user configuration files automatically even if you change a user home directory. You have to move them manually.

In the management mode, you can change a user's password even if you don't know it. please be careful not to forget the management password. Although each user can change their password, they can not change their home directory.

4-3. Setting usage

In the final section in the management mode, you can select usage of Musashi.

[Setting usage]
Select either Multi-user or Single user from the radio buttons. If you select single user mode, select a user from the popup menu.

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